As Shorehaven marks its 85th Anniversary this year, one volunteering family is marking 75 years of stewardship to the organization.

Sally Christiansen illustrated her family’s dedication to generations of volunteering in a poster displayed proudly on the campus. It all began with her grandmother Ruby Petersen who began volunteering at Knollward. Sally would often join her there. “We didn’t plan this volunteering span, it just happened,” laughed Christiansen. The family continued to serve in the original thrift shop, on several boards and committees, and escorting to chapel. Siblings and their partners delivered Mobile Meals, worked special events, assisted in fund-raising and assumed leadership roles. Family members lived at Shorehaven over the decades. “Shorehaven is celebrating 85 years, and 75 of that involved our family,” she noted. “We continue to be proud to serve here. We just love this place.”

Now Sally helps escort to chapel, shares tales with the residents and visits with them as part of her weekly ritual. “Why do we do it?” she asked. “Because it’s joyful. You always get more than you give here…it sounds trite, but it’s true.”